Reach Me: 757.642.4170


So you might be curious about the meaning of Holistic Psychotherapy and Wellness.

Holistic Psychotherapy strives to help people heal emotional and behavioral health issues within the context of the mind, body, spirit and how you interact in your environment using sound therapeutic interventions.

yoga pose on rock with waterWellness is used to refer to balance among those areas.  Balance does not mean stress free because life is simply not stress free. Balance does mean that you are handling your stress well. This is what I will help you achieve.

Spirit includes, but is not limited to, specific practices (meditation, spiritual, prayer) and/or the beliefs you hold that guide how you live your life. All are welcome.

Within the first few sessions we will talk about

  • The Problem
  • Sleep
  • Diet
  • Hydration
  • Activity level
  • Relationships
  • Spiritual practices (all are welcome or you may subscribe to none)
  • Purpose

When someone sits in front of me the context that I use to develop goals for treatment encompasses the mind and the body. We cannot be impacted in one area without it influencing the other. My education and ongoing training in psychotherapy and health coaching helps me to help you.